Saturday, July 10, 2010

Techniques for promoting your blog

One of the important things that you need to do for attracting traffic to your site is blog promotion. There are many sites such as


However such websites only help for a while. For better blog promotion these are things you must follow.

1. Comment on blogs: An easy way to give your blog a promotion is by commenting on other blogs. Each time you comment, enter the same name and URL in the corresponding fields in the blog comment form. This will increase the number of links to your sites. Comments on sites that attact a lot of traffic can be very useful to your blog

2. Post frequently: Frequent post can attract a lot of traffic. Newer posts always have higher traffic than the ones that are very old. New posts are detected by the search engines however once it is very old only posts that are very specific to a particular topic can attract the attention of search engines which is the main source of traffic to many websites.

3. Using Social Medium: websites like facebook, orkut, twitter etc can be a very good source of attacting traffic to your website. Posting some blogs in those websites and giving a link to your website can give a big boost to your site.

4. Guest blogs: Offer your services as a guest blogger for other blogs, particularly ones that get more traffic than yours does. Post a link to your site

5. Write Multiple Sites and Link Them Together: The more blogs or websites that you write, the more interlinking is possible. Make the sites having particular topics. That way it keeps readers intrested in a particular topic hooked to the site.